Some Uncovered Facts About Terry Marshall Campie

 Terry Campie is the owner of the ATC course. He has been involved in “The Addiction Connection” (TAC) mission through training and support from the Ministry of Cleanliness. . It’s an online advertising program like the popular “I’m Second” program that emphasizes being well-organized and has the added benefit of being peer-reviewed for performance.

Terry Campie

Terry has also attended the November 2022 TAC training summit in Florence, Illinois.

Terry M. Campie was recently approved as a mentor for the Davenport, Iowa “180 ministries”.

Terry also attends weekly Bible Studies. Mondays are a men’s study of Luke, Wednesdays are a men’s/women’s evening study of Matthew, and Saturdays/are a women’s study of Ezekial.

He also leads /participates in a book study on Watchman Nee the “Spiritual Man” with a friend meeting weekly at a local truck stop in Clinton Iowa.

Terry Marshall Campie, a 1986 graduate of the University of Iowa Master of Business Administration (MBA), has successfully applied his training to many different businesses.

In 1990, he purchased Memory Gardens Cemetery (MG). Through Terry Campie’s structured sales program, MG became Iowa’s leading pre-need cemetery.

Then, Terry Campie expanded that one cemetery to 5 additional cemeteries in Iowa.
In 1996, Mr. Campie sold his entire cemetery holdings to the Loewen Group, an international cemetery/funeral corporation that traded on the New York Stock Exchange.


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